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Showing posts from November, 2017

Father Christmas or Santa

24/11/17 Good Morning My Lovelies,                                              Today I want to chat about :-                                                                WHAT DO YOU SAY?              'FATHER CHRISTMAS' OR 'SANTA'  the jingle of sleigh bells, he's on his way As a child I grew up believing in 'Father Christmas' then went onto raising my own children to believe in 'Father Christmas' with many many magical memories of this special time, the absolute magic of the preparation of the 'Father Christmas plate, which consisted of a couple of mince pies and glass of milk, sometimes a tipple of sherry and a big fat juicy carrot for 'Rudol...
20/11/17 Nigella - At My Table       Still A Domestic Goddess   As Autumn approaches the season of the big name cookbooks and television series appear, along with celebrity biographies.  So what better time for me to review Nigella: at my table,  and the television series as I don't have the book yet. I have been a massive fan of Nigella's since 'How to be a Domestic Goddess' then found myself eagerly looking for other books she may have published, always on the look out for the next new book. A little while ago, actually I think it was her last television series, Nigella was rebuked for making avocado on toast, which I must add, I absolutely love to eat.  Now she's back on our screen with Nigella: At My Table, which is on my Christmas wish list.  Making Turkish poached eggs with garlic infused yogurt, on sourdough toast, yuck, now this is one recipe that just doesn't appeal to me at all, Poached eggs are something I have t...
Hi Everyone, Welcome to my latest Blog, how are you all? well i hope, now that I have survived Halloween and Firework Night!!! I have 3 dogs myself so this topic has inspired my thoughts for this Blog - Dogs. I was recently sent some fantastic dog treats by a Company by the name of "Pooch & Mutt" to try my own dogs with, my family and friends dogs, and some of my customers dogs, Firstly let me give a little background information and history about "Pooch & Mutt", how the Company was founded and why!!! POOCH & MUTT On researching the company I soon realised just how much they believe in good nutrition, packed with natural good ingredients, free from all junk foods.  Pooch & Mutt launched in 2008 after the company founder Guy Blaskey's family dog 'cookie' was suffering with joint pain.  After many visits to see the vet cookie was diagnosed with 'hip displasia' and it was suggested that cookie...