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Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my latest Blog, how are you all? well i hope, now that I have survived Halloween and Firework Night!!!
I have 3 dogs myself so this topic has inspired my thoughts for this Blog - Dogs.

I was recently sent some fantastic dog treats by a Company by the name of "Pooch & Mutt" to try my own dogs with, my family and friends dogs, and some of my customers dogs,

Firstly let me give a little background information and history about "Pooch & Mutt", how the Company was founded and why!!!


On researching the company I soon realised just how much they believe in good nutrition, packed with natural good ingredients, free from all junk foods.  Pooch & Mutt launched in 2008 after the company founder Guy Blaskey's family dog 'cookie' was suffering with joint pain.  After many visits to see the vet cookie was diagnosed with 'hip displasia' and it was suggested that cookie would be looking at having a hip replacement within the next three years.  Guy was left feeling helpless and devastated with this news, and felt there must be something else he and the family could do for cookie.

Guy's Mother fortunately has her own company 'Blue Chip' providing supplements for horses to aid similar problems, so thinking along similar lines, they thought maybe they could tweak things and see if they could help cookie get some relief from the joint pain.  Guy worked with the 'blue chip' team to see if they could reformulate the products for dogs, well, as it turns out it was a great success.  Guy then launched the first 2 products:-
                                            Mobile Bones for joints and bones
                                            Bionic Biotic for skin, coat and digestion

For example the mobility food is made with salmon, rich in omega 3, which helps joints.  The calming food is made with turkey which is rich in l-tryptophan, which aids relaxation.

Voila, this was literally the beginning of the beginning having received award after award:-

– Manufacturing Entrepreneur of the Year
– SMARTA ‘Made in Britain’ Winner
– Gold at the European Design Awards
– Silver at the Pentawards
– Microsoft Techover Winner
– The Times, Ready Business Britain Winner
– Finalist at The National Business Awards
– Finalist at The Grocer New Product Awards
Pooch & Mutt is also accredited by:
– PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals)
– The Ethical Companies Organisation


Pooch & Mutt is growing at an astronomical rate. Products are now stocked all around the world including Hong Kong, New Zealand and Singapore. In the UK you will find the products in major retail names such as Tesco, Morrisons, Waitrose, Amazon, Ocado and Pets at Home, as well as in hundreds of independent vets and pet stores.

As a Customer, I love the incentives 'Pooch & Mutt' offer, every pack comes with a token on the back of the packet, depending on the product, dictates the value of the token, just cut and collect the token, save then exchange for more products.  If your order exceeds £20 you will receive free postage within the UK.  Other incentives include 'Free Food Friday' and money off if you recommend a friend.

I cannot help feeling that I have been doing my own dogs a dis-service, On trips to the Supermarket picking up my weekly groceries, I automatically picked up the dog food, biscuits and treats, assuming my dogs liked them just because they ate them.  For some reason it didn't occur to me to read the nutritional value on the back of the products, for this I feel so bad, after all I wouldn't eat produce that didn't have excellent nutritional value.  Now I feel completely at ease with what my dogs, Oscar, Matilda and Nobby consume every day. I love the way my dogs rush to me as soon as they hear the rustle of the packet, sit and ready to give me a high five.

My own joints are thanking me as well, I no longer have to carry heavy bags of dog food, biscuits and treats home, as I take advantage of the free UK delivery, straight to my door.

Oscar 16 years old

Some of our Boarding dogs on their holiday @Cade9 Cuddles Hotel for Dogs

Nobby 12 years old

Oscar and Matilda

Matilda 8 years old
Oscar, Matilda and Nobby would like to say
"Thank You" to "Pooch & Mutt"

I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog, if you have a faithful family friend why not treat them to some yummy guilt free food and treats.

Click on the link to go straight to the website:-

Until next time, stay safe and stay fabulous.

Love Lesleyanne xx


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