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 Hello my friends,

Firstly it's been a long time since my last blog,  for absolutely no reason other than it's just been put on the back boiler for a while, thank you for being here.

So here I am with a chatty catch up for you.

So where do I start,  yes it's best to start at the beginning of when I became absent isn't it and when I say the beginning I really mean the last few years that have been particularly difficult for me. 

I don't know if I've kept you informed about my back situation but I have shared this on my YouTube channel certainly over the last few years anyway, that I suffer with rheumatoid arthritis.  I have done for over 30 years now but what's come to fruition over recent years is my back problem.  I was diagnosed with having severe osteoarthritis in my lower back and the top of my neck the vertebrae, lots of wear and tear bulging discs narrowing of the spinal cord canal. I was undergoing a lot of the treatment for example nerve blocks and various medications with the spinal surgeon and continued tests, scans etc'

Unfortunately it was discovered that I had ovarian cyst,. they were picked up, well at first one was picked up on an MRI scan which needed to be investigated, due to that the spinal surgery was put on hold.

Eventually after a lot of intervention and a lots of hospital appointments it was finally confirmed that I had three very large ovarian cysts they were extremely huge so I was referred to gynaecology, initially under the cancer pathway because some of the tests came back as a positive for cancer however it doesn't absolutely confirm that there is cancer as my consultant advised that sometimes you get a false positive purely based on the hormones from ovarian cysts, that can give a false positive.  At this stage I will thankfully say it wasn't in my case however I had to wait some months in fact over a year to have surgery due to doctor strikes bed blocking in the hospital. During one of my Consultations my Gynaecologist said that they have over 200 patients in beds that are ready to go home, to be discharged but couldn't as they don't have anyone to care for them. They don't have space in, care homes they don't have a family member they can live with or stay with temporarily and they don't have a member of the family that will stay with them and so therefore they have to be keep in hospital as they have a duty of care the duty of care until such time as they are independent enough to go home,  hence that was an enormous strain on all hospitals in the NHS and of course it held up the lists and as I've already mentioned the doctor's strikes it went hand in hand extending the wait list. it took a long time.

 Let's fast forward to the 16th of May 2024 when I was actually admitted for surgery,

Thankfully the surgery went well and as expected, seven hours later I was transferred to Intensive Care as planned for three days then transferred onto a general gynaecology ward for a further five days. Oh I forgot to mention that I actually had three large cycst's weighing approximately six pounds each.

Recovery was a very long twelve weeks as due to the size of the cycst's my incision was what they called boob to pube, literally from under my boobs to the pubic bone.  Previously having had a hysterectomy but keeping my fallopian tubes and ovaries, these were also removed. 

Two weeks later my staples were removed and everything seemed just fine, but that evening part of my wound opened up.  A phone call later and I was admitted back onto the ward to have the wound put back together with a follow up appointment one week later to be redressed, the back another ten days later to be redressed as part of the wound was not healing.  Eventually it was decided that we leave the wound to dry out undressed, to go commando, to allow the air to get to it, yay it worked a treat and healed up withing a few weeks.  Lets fast forward several months now and everything is just fine, I'm back to driving and living my best life.  My back still remains the same, in actual fact it has deteriorated quite a lot, with having to pick up where we left the whole ovarian cysts scenario, waiting to see the spinal surgeon once again.

Being more experienced and wiser, and probably more accepting about things, stripping from my life what's distracting and no longer necessary I have learned to listen to my life clock, doing things differently.

This brings me up to date really my lovelies, hoping to get back into Blogging again, with no doubt the odd break when I will be unable to Blog depending oh my health situation at the time. I's been lovely catching with you all.

Take care everyone, don't forget to visit my Youtube Channel - when I cover this subject and so much more.

Much Love



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