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Nigella - At My Table
      Still A Domestic Goddess

 Image result for nigella lawson

As Autumn approaches the season of the big name cookbooks and television series appear, along with celebrity biographies.  So what better time for me to review Nigella: at my table,  and the television series as I don't have the book yet.

I have been a massive fan of Nigella's since 'How to be a Domestic Goddess' then found myself eagerly looking for other books she may have published, always on the look out for the next new book.

A little while ago, actually I think it was her last television series, Nigella was rebuked for making avocado on toast, which I must add, I absolutely love to eat.  Now she's back on our screen with Nigella: At My Table, which is on my Christmas wish list.  Making Turkish poached eggs with garlic infused yogurt, on sourdough toast, yuck, now this is one recipe that just doesn't appeal to me at all, Poached eggs are something I have to fancy anyway, let alone add garlic infused yogurt to it, but then, we all have different pallets right.

So far my favourite recipes are the brie and fig sandwich, what a delight, it was like an orchestra playing to my taste buds, the creaminess of the brie together with the sweetness of the figs was just delightful.  Oh I also need to add the pea and chicken tray bake to my favourites list, if you are in a hurry and don't have time to prepare a full on meal, this takes no time at all to put together, just pop the ingredients into an ovenproof dish, pop into the oven, this dish allows you to have a quick shower, catch up on chores, then voila, enjoy.

The next couple of dishes I'm looking forward to making are the 'no churn' ice cream and the glorious looking 'herby leg of lamb'.  
I have flicked through some of the pages of the book, as always the pictures and illustrations look as appealing as ever, drawing me into each and every recipe, but as I say, I haven't purchased it because its on my 'want for Christmas list'.

It looks like a great book especially for beginners, cooks looking for new ideas or if you feel you have exhausted all you culinary ideas, I feel sure it will inspire you to try some of the recipes.

I have seen Nigella: at my table as a cover price of £26, but many retailers have discounted it by half, so its worth shopping around for it.

I am truly loving the television series so far, I think it's the simplicity of the recipes that i have seen so far, nothing seems too complicated. So roll on tonight when I like to settle down and indulge with a glass of wine or two, mesmerised by the recipes on my television screen.

Until next time my lovelies, stay safe and stay fabulous.


Lesleyanne xx


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