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13th March 2018                     NEW BLOG 

Lesleyanne Sparkle

Lets Talk Poundland

If you haven't been to Poundland yet, you are apparently considered to be in the minority club.  With more than 250 stores across Britain.  Research shows they are planning to open a new store every week for the next year.  Poundland recently announced an 80% increase in profits.

Like most Poundland fans/shoppers, I love the excitement of the treasure hunt effect, not really knowing what's in store from week to week.  You always know you will be able to pick up certain brands of shampoo and conditioner for example, but it's the things you never expect to find in there like the new Ferne McCann body and beauty products, even pleasure toys for adults, and of course the batteries to go with them.

Another new addition to Poundland is 'Pep & Co' a new range of clothing, although most items are priced at more than one pound, they are competing very well with Supermarket Brands, as this was their intention.  

I have to be careful because of this treasure hunt feeling I get when I shop in Poundland, because I see so many bargains and put them into my basket, I actually end up spending more than I intend to, yes, every time, which negates all the savings I actually would have made.

I find the best way of getting a bargain is to know more or less what everything would cost at the Supermarkets, I am always so disappointed to later discover that actually I could have paid less for my basket of goodies at the Supermarket.

I have often picked up branded and unbranded items cheaper than one pound in my local Tesco, for example.  Another issue reported by some customers is the size of some of the items.

I always look out for the sizes of products as well, because I am aware that I can often buy the same product but twice the size, even more, for approximately £1 more in the Supermarket, therefore this may be a false economy on something that has cost you for example £5  for a large washing powder, with a box 2.5 times bigger in the Supermarket for an extra £1/£1.50.  So it's always worth keeping your eyes open for bargains and special offers elsewhere.  I am aware that sometimes our budget dictates, what we buy and where we buy it from though.  My research has shown that Poundland now have such good buying power, that manufacturers are now producing specially sized items to be sold in pound stores.

Poundland's make up range is seriously a fantastic bargain, yes, and it's still a £...  It's great for young girls who have just started to experiment with makeup, or if you are on a tight budget, or just don't want to blow your money on premium brands.
I recently did a vlog on my YouTube Channel ...
whereby I did a full face of makeup purely from Poundland cosmetics, and I have to say I was very happy with the look, the way it applied and the way it felt and lasted on my face, check it out!!!

The added bonus for me is Poundland's makeup is cruelty free and suitable for vegans.  Take a look at what I found from my research below:-

Poundland / Makeup Gallery Vegan List

According to my research, a curious customer emailed Poundland, this was their response:-

  • Do Poundland/Makeup Gallery test on animals at any point in products (ingredients and final product), or do any 3rd parties do so on your behalf? I can confirm that none of the Make-Up Gallery products have been tested on animals, Our supplier has never commissioned animal testing to be conducted on the products that we sell
  • Do you ensure your suppliers are cruelty free? Yes
  • Do you / would you test on animals if required by law? We currently sell Make Up Gallery inside the EU where it is illegal to be sell cosmetics tested on animals. There is no plan to expand the business outside the EU.
  • Do you sell these products in any countries where mandatory testing is required (such as mainland China)? No
 Following up on this email -  there is no animal testing by Poundland or suppliers on either   ingredients or finished products and they confirmed there is not!

Below is a list of products not only cruelty free but also Vegan and Vegetarian friendly:-

Intense Lip glos                                         
Sheer Lip gloss
Lip Liner
Pressed Powder
Eyebrow Pencil 
Kohl Eyeliner
Liquid Eyeliner
Cuticle Care
Top Coat
Healthy Nails
Nail Hardener
All Coloured Nail Polish
Ridge Filler

Not Vegan:
Concealer (not vegetarian either!)

I was extremely happy to discover their ethical value with regards to their makeup range, and will no longer consider Poundland makeup to be a cheap budget brand, but view it as a happy on my face, whilst remaining happy on my purse brand.

I will be back soon with my next Blog, until then, Stay Safe and Stay Fabulous.

Love Lesleyanne Sparkle

I hope you have enjoyed my take on a little insight into Poundland Store.

I took my research from information provided by the 'Daily Telegraph'


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