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Hi My Lovelies,

Welcome to my new Blog which I must admit has been a long time coming, I have been grieving the loss of my Best Friend who lost her battle with cancer in January.

So, on a completely different note and lightening the mood, it's time to think about Valentines Day!!!

Have you decided what you are doing? do you actually bother? or do you think it's just all hype?

Isn't it funny how age, time, finances and different relationship's change how you feel about this so called Romantic Day.  I remember as a young teenage girl I always looked forward to getting a few Valentine Cards sneakily put into my school desk, thankfully I was lucky enough to always get a few, I'm sure they were from the same three boys every year, but it was always a confidence boost and i must admit to enjoying the chase between the lads.  With age, the relationships started to blossom, and although not a complete materialist i always looked for the romantic side in a boyfriend, you know, the romantic gestures, always a way to my heart.  So this being said i would have been so very upset if Valentine's Day hadn't resulted in some display of romance.  Now I'm not talking about spending lots of money, as we all know life sometimes throws a spanner in the works and there are times when we have more money than other times.

I looked forward to a romantic breakfast, a note in my work lunch box, a meal if we could afford it, you know this type of display of affection, of course this was reciprocated by myself.

Then when the children started to come along, it took a slight change of direction to a romantic home cooked meal and an early night
(wink wink)  then as the children got older it would be a special family meal at home with the children,  the table dressed with candles, shiny table sprinkles in heart shapes and always a heart shaped pudding with a glass of wine or bubbles and lemonade for the children.

Forward on many years to now, now I'm 61 years old, and quite frankly it doesn't bother me one little bit, why is this i ask myself, the honest answer is, i have absolutely no idea.  Maybe i  am finally content and just outgrown all the fuss and excitement, or maybe i feel that now I'm older and no longer have the financial responsibilities of children, or maybe its the fact that my husband Chris and myself actually live our lives pretty much like Valentines Day all the time.  Having a certain amount of disposable income for treats, meals out and for buying each other or ourselves the occasional gift and nice holidays, therefore, not feeling the pressure to conform to being a romantic on this one day of the year.

This of course doesn't mean i am opposed to others having a fabulous romantic time, i would always say make the most of the buzz and excitement of this day as you never know, like me, as you grow older Valentines Day may take on a whole new meaning in your more senior years.  Either way though, enjoy your special day in whatever way or how you want to spend it, but more importantly remember to tell your loved ones that you love them, no one needs Valentines Day to tell your loved one this.

Just a little heads up, if you are thinking about surprising that special someone with an affordable gift Gemporia have an amazing sale on, selling a whole host of beautiful affordable real gems stone jewellery, just perfect for Valentines Day, or even for that "no reason" reason.   If you feel like treating someone, or indeed yourself be sure to pop on over and take a look, you may just become hooked like me!!!  You may be surprised, i have actually purchased jewellery for the same cost of a Chinese takeaway!!!

I will pop some photos here of some of my favourite pieces:-

                                                                So Affordable, Yet Beautiful
                I will put a link below to take you to the Website

I hope I have given you some insight into my views about Valentine's Day, but alway's remember to never feel under any pressure to conform, it's the day to day things that mean the most and of course those three little words.

Until next time my lovelies, stay safe and stay fabulous.

Love Lesleyanne xx

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February 9th 2019

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