11th September 2019
there's a song in there somewhere
Good Morning My Lovelies,
Well it's been some time since i sat down to write a blog, in fact way too long, Lesleyanne consider yourself told off.
So why has it been so long i hear you asking, well, besides life and sometimes obstacles that get in the way leaving no time to actually sit down with my laptop and be creative.
Someone has been a silly girl, yes that's right a silly girl, you've guessed it right, of course I'm talking about me.
It was a lovely summers evening, so i say to my husband Chris "lets take the dogs for a walk"
all three dogs Oscar 15 year old Jack Russell, Teddy 19 month old Pomeranian and Elsie 18 month old Chihuahua all running around with excitement as we get their harnesses out, running in and out of our legs, leads getting twisted and tangled, finally we are ready to go, checked pockets for poop bags, yep got those, so off we go.
So we start the walk taking our normal route, well up to a certain point then i get this brain wave "shall we walk behind the library, instead of in front of the library" seemed like a good idea at the time, so off we all trot enjoying the gentle cool breeze, dogs loving it and Teddy looking like hes on a dogs shampoo advert, his long black and white Pomeranian hair blowing in the wind, you get the picture.
Suddenly, my right foot, my toes to be exact stub against what i can only explain as a raised bump of concrete, i could feel myself fall forward but in true "Fred Flint Stone" style my little legs were running to try to catch up with my falling forward body. "BANG" i suddenly collided with a fence, smacked my face head on, now falling to the hard concrete ground, everything went black for several seconds, then i screamed out in what i can only say is the worst pain i have ever felt (and i have had six children) i have a really high pain threshold but this was something else.
Crying out i remember telling my husband to call an ambulance as he rushed over to me, our little dogs all rushing to see what was wrong with me. Thankfully a man walked towards us with his fish and chip dinner and asked if he could help in any way, Chris asked if he had a mobile phone with him because we stupidly went out without ours. Unfortunately he didn't (i wonder if this is a generation thing) Chris asked him if he could stay with me whilst he took the dogs home and he got his mobile phone, so there a lay face down on the ground crying with pain, the poor guy was so kind trying to console a woman he had never met before.
Chris was back in no time at all, he had called an ambulance which was on its way. Then to make things worse it started to rain, by now several people had stopped to help, blankets laid over me even an umbrella was being held over me. Finally, the ambulance arrived.
After their initial assessment the paramedics could see how much pain i was in and gave me gas and air ( this took me right back can tell you) after some time of drawing on this mix they were able to get me into a position whereby they could gradually move me then get me up.
All of my pain was coming from my left arm, i remember holding it close to my body for support but still in excruciating pain, they managed to put my arm in a sling, which although was the right thing to do it offered absolutely no relief what so ever. Off we go to our local hospitals accident and emergency department.
OK, so lets get to the diagnosis, i have badly broken my humerus into five pieces which totally makes sense of the pain i felt, kept in overnight with a plan to operate in the morning, i was dosed up on morphine and tramadol to help manage the pain. So morning arrives, the Orthopaedic Surgeon pays me a visit and draws his arrows on my arm letting me know it will be a plate and screw job, to be honest as afraid as i was i just wanted the pain to go.
He said he would be having a meeting with the rest of his team that morning as they discuss their cases. Later that morning a different Orthopedic Surgeon came to see me and said following their meeting they would like to try a alternative way of mending my arm first, because i have other medical conditions they were concerned as to how surgery would go.
The plan - two weeks in a wrist and neck sling, back for x-rays, a further five weeks in a fitted brace with metal rods strapped to my arm, and around my back and chest.
The idea is, by putting a pulling downwards tension on my arm, what should happen is the bones should be pulled back into position allowing them to knit back and heal. I am now five weeks in on 13th September, on lots of pain medication still, unable to shower as i cannot get the brace wet, so i feel like an absolute minger, baby wipes are my best friend right now.
I'm back to hospital on the 26th September to have x-rays, and to see what happens next.
As you can imagine, its very difficult doing everything one handed, my husband is being amazing, i am having many highs and lows but above all its the sheer frustration that's getting to me the most.
The moral of the story is - don't go out without your mobile phone
would this of happened if we had walked our normal route?
Thank You My Lovelies, I wanted to do a catch up blog to let you all know whats going on right now.
I will pop some pictures below and x-ray picture of the break.
Chat again soon, take care,
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x-ray of broken humerus |
bruising and swelling after two weeks |
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me and chris and of course my brace enjoying our twins 30th birthday |
Love Lesleyanne
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