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Why I'm Trying Derma Rolling

21st August 2017

Disclaimer - The following are my own personal findings, I am not a qualified beauty therapist


Hello my lovelies,

Today I thought I would chat about Derma Rolling, this is rapidly becoming a passion of mine. 
So let's get chatting about it, and my own experience using it at home.

Back in April this year i decided to bite the bullet and purchase my first ever derma roller from Amazon, why, because i began seeing more and more women talking about it, so I decided to research it, and why it is apparently the "new botox".

A little confused as to whether i should start with a 0.2mm derma roller or 0.5mm, i opted for the the 0.5mm being as i'm a tough cookie, and most of the reviews i read suggested starting with a 0.5 if you wanted to see more of an immediate result.  The first time I used it I really wasn't sure how hard or soft to roll, but you very quickly find out by your pain threshold.  I honestly quite like the feeling, it's a weird sensation, neither painful or painless, just tingly i suppose. Yes my face did go rather red, but then it's supposed to.
I will try to breakdown into sections below as much information as i can.


I don't find it painful if i'm honest, if you can imagine running a ball of tiny pins over your face, that's a good description, but this sound's so much worse than it actually is. Because you are in total control of the pressure you apply to your face it feels fine.  For me personally the benefit's of producing more collagen in an effort to heal and repair your skin, because in theory you are self inflicting an injury to the skin, but for me this far outweigh's any tingling.


If i'm honest, I use it whenever I want to.  Some people use it on a weekly basis, or week on, week off basis, but i'm happy to use it whenever I feel my skin need's it, but I do leave it at least a good twentyfour hours to rejuvenate in between sessions.  I particularly love using it just before a special occasion or night out as my skin away's looks so radiant and plump afterwards, especially if you follow up with your very best skincare.


As I previously mentioned, don't press the roller too hard as you don't want to injure yourself, but I think this would be hard to do as you would only apply as much pressure as you could comfortably stand.  
The most important step in derma rolling is to sanitise your derma roller both before and after use, and under no circumstances, share your derma roller with anyone else, its for your own personal use and yours alone.  It's so very important to keep bacteria out of the skin.  It is advised that you do not derma roll your eyelids.  I do however roll my lips, even more than my face as i'm finding the definition around my lips and colour has improved so much, my top lip has also become more plump.


I think it may be down to personal choice, but I always cleanse my face thoroughly first, then use a toner to bring the skin on my face back to the right ph level.  Making sure I have sanitised my roller, I them proceed rolling, rolling in four different directions on every part of my face,  So for the forehead for example, I would derma roll up and down four times, side to side four times, diagonally one way then the other way, both four times.  Now this is where I sometimes change my regimme, sometimes I like to use a collagen gel immediately afterwards, warming the product in my hand's then pressing it into my face, not

rubbing, simply pressing it in until absorbed.  Other times I use my usual night time skin care then apply vitamin C serum, or my favourite Decleor Aromessence oil, it really does depend on how my skin is feeling and looking.
But make sure you clean and sanitise your derma roller after every single use.


I can only speak for myself but I am really impressed.  My skin feels so healthy and rejeuvenated, and most certainly looks more plump and radiant, I have especially noticed a difference on my eleven lines, the ones between your eyebrows, and my lips, as I mentioned previously, my top lip has definately filled out again and appear more even.  If you suffer from enlarged pores, you should see a difference in the reduction of the size of your pores, i'm fortunate to not have enlatged porses, but I have read many articles whereby people have seen great result's achieving smaller pores.

When I started derma rolling in April 2017

Now August 2017

Thank you for reading this blog, I hope I have inspired anyone thinking about derma rolling to give it a try.

Until next time, stay safe and stay fabulous.

Love Lesleyanne xx

please go to my youtube channel to see a demonstration

YouTube - Lesleyanne Cade - Derma Rolling


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