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11th September 2019 THEM BONES,THEM BONES, there's a song in there somewhere   Good Morning My Lovelies, Well it's been some time since i sat down to write a blog, in fact way too long, Lesleyanne consider yourself told off. So why has it been so long i hear you asking, well, besides life and sometimes obstacles that get in the way leaving no time to actually sit down with my laptop and be creative. Someone has been a silly girl, yes that's right a silly girl, you've guessed it right, of course I'm talking about me. It was a lovely summers evening, so i say to my husband Chris "lets take the dogs for a walk" all three dogs Oscar 15 year old Jack Russell, Teddy 19 month old Pomeranian and Elsie 18 month old Chihuahua all running around with excitement as we get their harnesses out, running in and out of our legs, leads getting twisted and tangled, finally we are ready to go, checked pockets for poop bags, yep got those, so off w
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LOVE IS IN THE AIR        Hi My Lovelies, Welcome to my new Blog which I must admit has been a long time coming, I have been grieving the loss of my Best Friend who lost her battle with cancer in January. So, on a completely different note and lightening the mood, it's time to think about Valentines Day!!! Have you decided what you are doing? do you actually bother? or do you think it's just all hype? Isn't it funny how age, time, finances and different relationship's change how you feel about this so called Romantic Day.  I remember as a young teenage girl I always looked forward to getting a few Valentine Cards sneakily put into my school desk, thankfully I was lucky enough to always get a few, I'm sure they were from the same three boys every year, but it was always a confidence boost and i must admit to enjoying the chase between the lads.  With age, the relationships started to blossom, and although not a complete materialist i always looked fo
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Growing Old Disgracefully - July 2018 OK so this month I want to talk about highs and lows of life and how I manage them.   Who said retirement was the time of your life when it's time to sit back, maybe enjoy a hobby, cooking or whatever floats your boat, well, whoever they were, they were wrong.  In reality I struggle with making time for everyone, by this I mean my Husband Chris, I am semi retired and work from home as a Self Employed Dog Boarder, a Mother and a Grandmother.   When I retired from paid employment I had a vision.  So picture this - waking up in the morning, enjoying my first morning coffee in bed, followed by my next two cups at the breakfast table reading the newspaper while enjoying seeded toast spread with manuka honey, walks along the beach with Chris hand in hand, stopping off for lunch where ever our fancy led us, then cosy nights in watching our favourite soap's on TV with a TV dinner and a gin and tonic, oh and lets not forget the h
Happy May Bank Holiday Monday 2018 Welcome To My New Blog - lets chat "Glossybox"  Discover one of the most coveted beauty boxes, beautifully wrapped in it's signature pink box and delivered straight to your door with your surprise beauty products just waiting to be unveiled. I have been a Glossybox subscriber for some time now, and cannot wait to receive my monthly box filled with 5 cruelty-free fabulous products from around the world, and of course that little extra relaxing treat. You know those moments when your hair just isn't its best and in desperate need for a treat, or your feet ache so much, your toes are like sausage because you have been running around after the kids/grand kids all day or on your feet all day helping other people in your professional life, or your skin is looking dull and tired, well there is always something for everyone in Glossybox. It's as simple as ABC to subscribe, let's take a look below:-
13th March 2018                      NEW BLOG  Lesleyanne Sparkle Lets Talk Poundland If you haven't been to Poundland yet, you are apparently considered to be in the minority club.  With more than 250 stores across Britain.  Research shows they are planning to open a new store every week for the next year.  Poundland recently announced an 80% increase in profits. Like most Poundland fans/shoppers, I love the excitement of the treasure hunt effect, not really knowing what's in store from week to week.  You always know you will be able to pick up certain brands of shampoo and conditioner for example, but it's the things you never expect to find in there like the new Ferne McCann body and beauty products, even pleasure toys for adults, and of course the batteries to go with them. Another new addition to Poundland is 'Pep & Co' a new range of clothing, although most items are priced at more than one pound, they are competing very well with S